our purpose

We help organizations build success through collaboration and connectedness.


Strong culture = strong business.

Evidence shows that when people trust and respect one another, they are more likely to pay attention to different perspectives, accept input, and make changes that improve working conditions and productivity.

The bottom-line: Taking care of people is taking care of business; the two rise and fall together.

Recent surveys of American workers reveal:


of team members

whose leaders use emotional intelligence tools see their cultures in a more favorable light than those with leaders who don’t.



of leaders

are dissatisfied with their organization’s communication and collaboration.



of employees

are emotionally disconnected from their workplaces and therefore less likely to be productive.

The simple truth

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Maya Angelou


An evidence-based approach.

Our methods and tools leverage the full power of behavioral science and neuroscience but are easy to understand and use. We track scientific discoveries and translate them into practical principles that help leaders and their teams build a powerful daily operating rhythm.

The Green Zone Sequence

All of our services follow the Green Zone Sequence, a four-step approach which helps leaders connect with the person before dealing with the problem. When we regulate emotions and relate to others first, we get better performance and sustained commitment.


Our Services

We start by defining client needs. Then we draw on tools and techniques from five core programs to design a custom solution that works for you and your business.



A new approach to on-the-job safety leveraging powerful practices grounded in the latest neuroscience.



Giving leaders the tools they need to engage their people, manage effectively, and achieve sustained bottom-line performance.


Resilient Leadership

Empowering people to know themselves, their brains, and their emotions so they can thrive under pressure.


1x1 Leadership Coaching

Practical individual coaching that links coaching targets to business outcomes while teaching leaders skills they’ll use for a lifetime.

High Performance Teamwork

Helping teams define their goals, build trust, and work together effectively, even in challenging situations.


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