1x1 Leadership Coaching

An integrative approach

Most models for certification and training discourage coaches from engaging on business and productivity challenges. Instead they recommend that the coach take the role of enabler or supporter. At Kintla, we believe the coach must partner with the client in understanding and linking their coaching targets to business outcomes. We do this by understanding how leaders create business impact and identifying behaviors that multiply this impact. Our 1X1 coaching process is used with individual leaders and includes four main phases of work:

  1. Prepare for coaching

  2. Develop a profile & plan

  3. Reflect and learn

  4. Sustain the improvement

In the early stages, we identify business outcomes important to the client, complete assessments using our Forerunners 360 and Resilience Builder Assessment and collect feedback from interviews with key people. The Kintla coach then works with the client to use their assessment results to prioritize opportunities for improvement and provide coaching support over a period of months to help make and sustain meaningful changes. Assessments and interviews are repeated in abbreviated form along the way to track progress and make adjustments in the coaching plans. 


Key Outcomes

  • Develop self-awareness through self-assessments and feedback from others

  • Get to know top strengths and opportunities for improvement

  • Implement a plan to address top opportunities

  • Develop skills for improving positive leadership impact

  • Develop a personal toolkit for continuing to get feedback and build on improvement beyond coaching