
The Safety Challenge

Across industries, lost work time injuries and fatalities are locked in at a low but costly rate. In spite of massive attention and resources directed to decreasing safety risks and incident rates, safety performance has plateaued.  

A Different Approach

In order to break through the safety plateau and reach a new global standard for industrial safety, we must think about safety differently. We can do this by applying recent discoveries from neuroscience to safety program design. 

The Focus4Safety program helps people who work in hazardous environments spend less time on autopilot or in frustration mode and more time at full attention and in their thinking brain. Our toolkit helps people plan their work at the task level and analyze and manage risks linked directly to their tasks. It also helps team members engage each other to keep everyone safe and maintain focus even under challenging conditions. Focus4Safety is implemented at the front lines and tracks follow through to the individual supervisor level to ensure high involvement, pinpointed accountability, and positive recognition. We use our pocket planning cards and the Safety Gauge mobile app to create real-time observation and feedback throughout the work day. 


Key Outcomes

  • Leaders learn the how the brain works to maintain full focus and risk awareness  

  • Leaders and teams implement a daily task planning and safety risk reduction process 

  • Teams learn and use Kintla’s customized risk analysis and reduction toolkit 

  • Leaders and teams receive ongoing feedback on the quality of planning and risk reduction