High Performance Teamwork

the promise of flexible organizations

Data on the power of teams is impressive. When great teams are in place, investors are more likely to commit funding, financial performance is better, and the quality of products and services is superior. However, teamwork can be elusive. In fact, recent research indicates that many leaders believe that most teams in their organizations fail to work at an optimal level. Research over the past 40 years has shown that teams that develop deliberately minimize the time spent getting started, getting aligned, and removing barriers.

our process

Our coaches work with teams at all levels to review their current state and set a course for continuous improvement. Our Kintla High Performance Team process includes:

  1. A current state assessment (alignment, process, behavior, culture and resilience)

  2. Facilitated meetings to map a path forward

  3. Field implementation of the solutions with brief coaching

Most teams adopt a 100-day plan for improvement immediately after the first session and repeat the online assessment periodically to track progress and compare themselves to other teams. As with all of our services, we focus on both the emotional intelligence of the team and their ability to operate with discipline and focus. 


Key Outcomes

  • Learn the High Performance Team model and explore examples of top performing teams 

  • Map team development phases and learn how to help teams move to high performance quickly 

  • Apply a team assessment process that identifies strengths and weaknesses and use it to  

  • Troubleshoot problem teams and develop coaching strategies for overcoming obstacles